UD Research Administration

Research Administration

Our mission is to advance high-quality research and scholarship at UD by promoting an environment that fosters creativity, collaboration, community, and commitment to the highest ethical values.

We serve as an advocate for UD scientists as they pursue research sponsored by governmental and non-governmental agencies. Our staff help ensure compliance with all policies and procedures associated with the responsible conduct of research, foster the transfer of inventions and technologies into commercially marketable products, and assist in communicating UD research achievements to the public.

A complementary mission of the office is to support the education of graduate students and undergraduate students through challenging academics and the conduct of peer-reviewed, publishable research.

Here at UD, our faculty and students are making important discoveries as they work in well-equipped labs and at field sites in Delaware and around the globe. During the past decade, external funding for UD research steadily increased and now exceeds $138 million a year.


Dr. Charles Riordan

Dr. Charles Riordan

Deputy Provost for Research and Scholarship

Charles Riordan is responsible for advancing the University’s research enterprise, including oversight of five University-wide research institutes. He is an inorganic-organometallic chemist whose research is supported by the National Science Foundation. A member of the UD faculty since 1997, he served as Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry from 2002-07 and was Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Education from 2010-12. A fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, he has served on the editorial advisory boards of the Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry and Dalton Transactions. He earned his bachelor’s degree at the College of Holy Cross and his Ph.D. at Texas A&M University.

Cordell Overby

Cordell Overby

Associate Deputy Provost for Research and Regulatory Affairs

Cordell Overby oversees University’s compliance with federal, state and internal policies and regulations. He is responsible for the review, negotiation and establishment of research agreements and the administrative transfer of research materials to and from UD. He has 18 years of industry experience in technical management and design engineering on programs funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Energy. Dr. Overby has a secondary faculty appointment as professor in the College of Engineering and holds bachelor’s, master’s and doctor of science degrees in engineering from George Washington University.

Trudy M Riley

Trudy M Riley

Associate Deputy Provost for Research Administration

Trudy Riley xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx

To Be Announced

To Be Announced

Associate Deputy Provost for Research Development

This position is responsible for overseeing the xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxx


A number of advisory boards and councils help guide and evaluate research programs at the University of Delaware. These distinguished advisers play a critical role in UD research.

UD Research Advisory Boards

Below is a listing of University of Delaware Advisory Board which provide research guidance for various fields of study.


Center for Biomedical Engineering Research External Advisory Board

Comprised of scientists and clinicians from leading institutions, this board advises the center on research related to the National Institutes of Health-funded Center for Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) grant.

Center for Critical Zone Research External Advisory Board

 These distinguished leaders from the academic, business, and policy communities are helping UD to develop a world-class, leading-edge research capability focusing on the “critical zone”–the fragile area from the treetops to the groundwater that sustains life on Earth.

Website >

Chemical Engineering Advisory Council

This council informs UD’s Department of Chemical Engineering, which is based in the College of Engineering.

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Civil and Environmental Engineering External Advisory Council

Distinguished alumni and friends of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering meet annually to advise the department and evaluate progress towards its goals.

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College of Engineering Advisory Council

Distinguished alumni and friends of the College of Engineering meet annually to advise the college and evaluate progress towards its goals.

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College of Health Sciences Visiting Committee

Leaders in health care within the state of Delaware provide insight into local corporate and government trends and initiatives and offer support to the College of Health Sciences’ administration regarding practice, policy, and economic trends.

College of Health Sciences Center for Research Development Advisory Council

Composed of researchers from each of the schools and departments within the College of Health Sciences, this council administers seed grants within the college to stimulate research and provides preliminary reviews of extramural funding effort.

Website >

Delaware Environmental Institute Advisory Board

The Delaware Environmental Institute External Advisory Board includes environmentally focused scientists, engineers and educators, from academia and the public and private sectors. This international group meets annually to provide strategic input and evaluate progress toward goals.

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The Delaware EPSCoR Steering Committee

Leaders from academia, government, and the private sector and provides advice to the principal investigator and the leadership team to guide the progress of the Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) grant, assure alignment with institutional and state priorities, and identify opportunities to increase research capabilities within the state. The group meets annually.

Website >

Delaware INBRE – AAAS External Review Panel

As part of a continuing, comprehensive program evaluation strategy, the Delaware IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) has teamed with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Research Competitiveness Program to provide a periodic review of the progress and the impact of the INBRE Network across Delaware. This panel of national experts conducts the bi-annual review and submits a written report to INBRE leadership.

Website >

Delaware INBRE External Advisory Board

The purpose of the Delaware IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) is to deliver a statewide pipeline of capable and competitive medical research personnel who can compete for and win research grants from the National Institutes of Health. This board, comprised of senior representatives from academia, the biomedical industry, the medical community, and government labs, provides strategic comment and guidance on scientific, administrative, and other matters relevant to the INBRE program.

Website >

Delaware Interdisciplinary Ethics Program Planning Board

The mission of the Delaware Interdisciplinary Ethics Program is to promote high-quality teaching, research, and outreach in all areas of applied and professional ethics through projects and programs that assist educators, researchers, practitioners, and policy makers. Its members include representatives from higher education across Delaware.

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Delaware Sea Grant Advisory Council

This statewide external advisory body to the Delaware Sea Grant College Program was created in 1974. Working within the national priorities identified by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Sea Grant College Program, the council helps further define priority coastal issues relevant to Delaware. Its members hail from marine-oriented business and industry, resource management and engineering firms, state government, public interest groups, the pre-college educational sector, and the media.

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Lerner College of Business & Economics Advisory Board

Distinguished business and corporate leaders from across the region help advise UD’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics.

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Premedical Education Advisory Council

Faculty and administrators from UD and physicians and administrators from Jefferson Medical College and Christiana Care Health System provide guidance and advisement to UD’s pre-medical and pre-dental programs.

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Research-Based Education Advisory Board

This advisory board, composed of faculty from across UD’s science and engineering departments, assists in documenting and disseminating UD’s vision and accomplishments in integrating research and education. All of its members are actively involved in research that apprentices undergraduates while also being at the forefront of UD’s educational development efforts through instructional and technological innovation, curriculum revision, publication in leading journals, and organization of national and international conferences.

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University of Delaware Research Foundation (UDRF) Research Committee

Distinguished scientists, physicians, and engineers from area industries govern the University of Delaware Research Foundation, which is a private corporation that was chartered in 1955 to support UD research. Funding awards of up to $25,000 per project are made annually to tenure-track faculty, early in their careers, in all fields of science.

University of Delaware Research Council

The University of Delaware Research Council provides a forum for communication between the Research Office and University of Delaware faculty. This body will serve as an advisory body to the Sr. Vice Provost for Research on matters pertaining to the development of research and creative activities and the achievement of research goals at the University of Delaware.

Website >

John L. Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance Advisory Board

This advisory board helps guide the activities of the John L. Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance, which include conferences on topics of current interest, workshops for corporate directors and executives, research, publications, and other activities to further scholarship in corporate governance.

Website >

UD Research Council

The University of Delaware Research Council provides a forum for communication between the Research Office and University of Delaware faculty. This body serves as an advisory body to the deputy provost for research and scholarship on matters pertaining to the development of research and creative activities and achievement of research goals at the University of Delaware.


2015-2016 Research Council Membership

Nii Attoh-Okine
Civil & Environmental Engineer

Steve Bai
NMR Facility Director

Stuart Binder-Macleod
Physical Therapy

Tracey Bryant
Communications & Marketing

Tom Buchanan

Joan Buttram
DE Education Research & Develop Ctr

Jeff Caplan
Bioimaging Facility Director

Bintong Chen
Business & Economics

Iain Crawford
Undergraduate Research, English

Ralph Ferretti
School of Education

Mike Gladle
Environmental Health & Safety

Tanya Gressley
Animal & Food Sciences

Susan Hall
Health Sciences

Sean Hayes
Research Office

Greg Hicks
Physical Therapy

Nancy Jordan
School of Education

Jim Kendra
Disaster Research Center

Mike Klein

Kelvin Lee

Holly Michael
Geological Sciences

Sandra Millard

Mark Moline
School of Marine Science & Policy

Ed Nowak
Physics and Astronomy

Cordell Overby
Research Office

Maria Palazuelos
Research Office

John Pelesko
Arts & Sciences

Trudy Riley
Research Office

Charlie Riordan
Research Office

Jeff Rosen
Psychology/ IACUC

Robin Schulze
Arts & Sciences

Don Sparks
DENIN/Plant & Soil Science

Steven Stanhope
Kinesiology & Applied Physiology, BADER

Christy Visher
Sociology & Criminal Justice

Starnes Walker

Eric Wommack
Agriculture & Natural Resources

Yushan Yan


Compliance Hotline
Phone: (302) 831-2792

Research Administration
Phone: (302) 831-2136
Fax: (302) 831-2828


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